

Oxford’s educational institutions are renowned worldwide, but educational standards in some of our schools are amongst the lowest in the country. This divide must be addressed.  The cost of housing is a barrier to attracting and retaining good quality teachers. New...
Care and Wellbeing       

Care and Wellbeing       

Appropriate healthcare should be available to everyone regardless of age, race, wealth, health, other personal characteristics, or location. Caring must begin within our local communities and we will support and promote individuals’ physical and mental well-being...


Affordable housing which offers high levels of energy efficiency will be at the heart of our strategy. Support will be made available for key workers and those living within their local communities. New homes will be created with the necessary infrastructure and...


We believe that people should have freedom of choice when it comes to modes of transport. While congestion is a challenge in the city, it must be recognised that car journeys are a vital component of a range of options that enable individuals to move around the city...