Documents & Downloads

Our official constitution which describes who we are and how we are run.
Core Principles and Promises
The Independent Oxford Alliance has two key objectives that underpin and shape our priorities.
Oxford Travel and Transport Focus Group Report
As part of our commitment to listen to the people of Oxford, the Independent Oxford Alliance commissioned Clarke Associates to conduct a focus group study to investigate the travel patterns and needs of citizens, often the ‘silent majority’, who may have particular difficulties with the traffic measures implemented or proposed by the current City and County Councillors. This is their report.
The Effects of LTNs on Magdalen Road Businesses
Many Oxford City Councillors claim that the introduction of LTNs has been good for businesses in the streets East Oxford. However these claims do not match the annecdotal evidence seen on Social Media or what the business owners have been telling our candidates.
As part of our commitment to listen to and accurately represent the people of Oxford, the Independent Oxford Alliance commissioned Clarke Associates to conduct a survey among the owners and managers of businesses located on Magdalen Road, Oxford, to gather empirical evidence of exactly how LTNs have impacted their livelihoods.
This is their top line findings from that survey.
We’ve Been Here Before – The pre-history of LTNs, the 1985 road closures and their effects.
This is not the first time which Oxford City, and Oxfordshire County Councils have attempted to close roads in East Oxford.
Some of our members were involved in a previously successful fight against these draconian traffic measures which took place in 1985.
IOA Founder Member and Treasurer, Dr Anthony Cheke, tells the story….